It's time for a new version of Snuffler, and this version is all about importing stuff. There are two new files imports for getting data into Snuffler.
The first is for importing TerraSurveyor (was ArchaeoSurveyor) grids and composites. TerraSurveyor is a (very good) commercial equivalent to Snuffler. Someone sent me some data in that format, so I took the opportunity to write an import for it.
The second is Surfer ASCII grid files, not to be confused with the ASCII Grid files that ESRI produces. Surfer is software for displaying 3D geographical data. It wasn't data from that software specifically that I was trying to import though. ReflexW, the GPR software I use, has an export function for time-slices in Surfer ASCII grid format and I wanted to play around with slice data in Snuffler. Here is a time slice from the site I covered in my last post display in Snuffler.
You can download the new version at the usual place.